Harmony and Health

Love your health!

Our physical body is the expression of a form of perfection. Faced with ills or even illness, he is able to heal himself without any external intervention. On one condition: that we intensify the life within us in the greatest harmony. This book helps us considerably to change the way we think about health.


178 pages

  Français Deutsch Italiano Español Português Nederlands

'If you are ill, it's because you harbour disorder within yourself: you have nourished certain thoughts, feelings and attitudes that have finally affected your health. The best weapon against illness is harmony. Night and day think about synchronizing yourself with the whole of life - limitless life, cosmic life.'

1 - Life Comes First
2 - The World of Harmony
3 - Harmony and Health
4 - The Spiritual Foundations of Medicine
5 - Respiration and Nutrition
6 - Respiration:
I - The Effects of Respiration on Health
II - How to Melt into the Harmony of the Cosmos

7 - Nutrition on the Different Planes
8 - How to Become Tireless
9 - Cultivate an Attitude of Contentment

  • The Yoga of Nutrition
  • Light is a Living Spirit
  • Man's Two Natures, Human and Divine
  • Man's Subtle Bodies and Centres
  • Creation: Artistic and Spiritual
  • The Book of Divine Magic
  • Looking into the Invisible - Intuition, Clairvoyance, Dreams
  • The Path of Silence
  • The Seeds of Happiness
  • The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy

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