The second birth and resurrection: a regeneration of the human being.
By belonging to the cosmos, the human being participates intimately in the processes of gestation and hatching that take place in nature. Christmas and Easter, the second birth and resurrection, are in reality only two different ways of presenting one's regeneration, one's entry into the spiritual world.
'The fact that the Feasts of Christmas and Easter coincide with the winter solstice and the spring equinox is evidence of their cosmic significance. So we learn that the human being, who is part of the universe, participates intimately in the natural process of gestation and blossoming. These two feasts are two different ways of celebrating the regeneration of men and women and their birth into the spiritual world.'
1 - The Feast of the Nativity
2 - The Second Birth
3 - Birth on the Different Planes of Being
4 - ‘Except Ye Die Ye Shall not Live'
5 - The Resurrection and the Last Judgment
6 - The Body of Glory
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The second birth and resurrection: a regeneration of the human being.
By belonging to the cosmos, the human being participates intimately in the processes of gestation and hatching that take place in nature. Christmas and Easter, the second birth and resurrection, are in reality only two different ways of presenting one's regeneration, one's entry into the spiritual world.