Do the stars have an influence on our lives? The author explains that when we are born we enter the zodiac and at that moment a kind of "photographic" snapshot is taken. But, as the author points out, "even more interesting is to see in astrology a system of symbols that allows us to understand the mechanisms of our psychic life in connection with the universe in whose image we were created".
'The constellations and planets are the hieroglyphs, the sacred letters which reveal, to those who know how to decipher them, how mankind and the world were created, how they evolve hand in hand and how their inner structure is identical. Every human being who becomes aware of his kinship with the universe begins to feel the need to cultivate his inner life in order to rediscover, within himself, that cosmic plenitude symbolized to perfection by the circle of the zodiac.'
1 - The Enclosure of the Zodiac
2 - The Zodiac and the Forming of Man
3 - The Planetary Cycle of Hours and Days
4 - The Cross of Destiny
5 - The Axes of Aries-Libra and Taurus-Scorpio
6 - The Virgo-Pisces Axis
7 - The Leo-Aquarius Axis
8 - The Fire and Water Triangles
9 - The Philosophers' Stone: the Sun, the Moon and Mercury
10 - The Twelve Tribes of Israel and the Twelve Labours of Hercules in Relation to the Zodiac
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'The stars incline, they do not determine.'
Do the stars have an influence on our lives? The author explains that when we are born we enter the zodiac and at that moment a kind of "photographic" snapshot is taken. But, as the author points out, "even more interesting is to see in astrology a system of symbols that allows us to understand the mechanisms of our psychic life in connection with the universe in whose image we were created".